Luckily, at the same time that I knew this awful dreaded experience was just around the corner, Courtney posted about her favorite beauty products. CHA-CHING! As Court's eyes always look perfect, I thought I'd give her favorite mascara a try. It was the one time that I went to the mascara section on a mission, knowing EXACTLY what I was going to buy!
The instructions: "A typical mascara dries out before half of it is used. When your favorite mascara starts getting dry, add 4-5 drops of saline solution or eye drops to the bottle. Insert your wand and stir and TA-DA!! Fresh mascara! This can be repeated 2 or 3 times until all your mascara is gone."
Since neither the hubs nor I wear contacts, we didn't have any saline solution so instead I used some clear eyes that I had on hand. It worked! It "re-hydrated" my mascara and I was able to use it about 2 weeks longer with just one dose of the solution!
This is definitely one trick that I will be using for the rest of my life!!
I saw this and did it to my mascara too. I can't believe it worked so well!
Oh my gosh - what a cool tip. I've never heard of that and will definitely be trying it! Like... tonight. Because you guessed it, I'm running dry.
Also... you may or may not have just made my day.
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