Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My New Obsession

Newest Obsession:

Photo Courtest of:

This little Q&A a Day book. It's a journal that asks a serious, random, quirky, or fun question every day of the year. Not to mention, it leaves you space to answer for the next five years!! I can't wait to make the full circle and see the answers that we gave in years past. It'll be interesting to see how we change and grow.

G & I just purchased this little gem and have been answering questions for the past three days. So far, we've gotten "What comes to mind when you think of fear?", "This is utterly profound: ______", and last but not least "What advice would you give a second grader?".

It's not really the questions I look forward to, but more the time that we spend laughing and coming up with silly answers. Probably my favorite thing ever.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Catching Up....

I know, I know. I've got a lot of catching up to do. Life has been a tad bit crazy. Okay, not that crazy, but kind of? A few things to peak your interest:

  • I started handling two territories at work. Got a new position. Was only handling one territory (breath of fresh air even though I had no idea what I was doing in my new position). Two people on my team quit. I was immediately handling two territories again. Sigh. Such is life in Corporate America. My days are busy so when I get home, I'm mentally exhausted. I cook, we eat, and then we sleep. Literally. Hoping that will all change soon!
  • G and I have been obsessed with Downton Abbey, thanks to my good friend, Chelsea. Have you watched this glorious PBS Masterpiece Theatre show? Seriously. Better produced than most other shows. If you love Pride and Prejudice, I highly recommend watching the seasons of this on Netflix or Hulu Plus.
  • My old man, G, turned another year older. Love that man so very much. 
  • My best friend from high school got married. Love her too. It was an Aggie wedding, so I was a little out of place, but hey, I'd do anything for her. Pics coming soon.
  • We found a church in Frisco that we really like. Mercy Church. You should check them out. Seriously. 
  • We randomly decided to sign a lease and move to Frisco? We were kind-of, sort-of contemplating it. Then we found an apartment. With a fenced backyard. And a garage. For cheap. So we thought, "Meh? Why not?". So alas, our house is halfway packed (aka a WRECK!), and we're in the process of moving. Have I mentioned that I hate moving??? G talked me into it... Fun..... 
  • If you're in the market for something bright and cheery, check out this steal of a shower curtain from Anthropologie. I think it's lovely. And I may have purchased on for our now second bathroom yesterday. Feel free to come over anytime and Swoon. 
  • A long time ago, I blogged about some New Mascara that I tried and absolutely loved. Turns out, that mascara is Katie Couric's favorite beauty product. Ever. That's how you know its a winner. 
I really think that's all for now. All I can think of anyways.... More to come!

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